Portfolio Category: Web

MyFortiva.com – Website

Atlanticus offers Fortiva financial products to consumers with less than perfect credit. These products consist of credit cards, personal loans and retail lines of credit. The purpose of this site is to create strong branding and recognition of Fortiva and those products in the minds and hearts of consumers. By taking ownership of the meaning…
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Atlanticus – Website Design

Atlanticus is a holding company in the financial sector. The previous site's purpose was primarily for stockholder and legal edification and news. It was visually sterile and neither intuitive in navigation, nor responsive in design. I was tasked with designing a site that not only provided the necessary information and fulfilled the legal requirements of…
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Fortiva Online Banner Ads

Shown here are examples of Fortiva Retail Credit online ads run in digital trade publications as well as on event websites prior to our staff's attendance at trade shows or symposiums. Strictly merchant-facing, these short, animated gif ads served to pique interest by asking quick, compelling questions with a CTA that promised answers.
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Fortiva Dual Offer Website

After consumers received the dual offer direct mail piece, they could take their uniquely issued code to a special website designed specifically for this offer. Information regarding the amounts, advantages, terms and conditions to either offer had been introduced in the mail piece so this site served to reinforce all of that information as well…
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