Fortiva Retail Credit Sales Collateral

Fortiva Retail Credit is a Second Look Financing program offered by Fortiva. It allows merchants (goods) and contractors (services) the ability to offer another form of financing to a customer when they do not qualify for prime-rate financing.

The existing sales kit lacked brand uniformity, was unwieldy and also expensive to produce as it had so many variations of different parts contained within it. The new kit created was to be efficiently designed, easily customizable and cost-effective. The basic kit would consist of an outer 9x12 pocket folder with a reduced amount of materials to fit within it as needed.

After discussions with our Marketing Director and Operations Manager, I devised a pocket brochure solution. What used to consist of multiple brochures and informational sheets, has now been condensed to a single pocket shell brochure that can be tailored to the individual sales opportunity through pre-stuffed inserts. The custom sales information sheets are set up to be printed high quality and in-house. This has cut the cost of this effort by almost 50% and has resulted in a more polished and consistent presentation by the sales staff. The materials are also color-coded in such a way as to quickly indicate how they are to be used. Materials that lead with Fortiva Orange are merchant-facing. Those that lead with blue are for the consumer.

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